Fig. 1.
Treatment of transfected EcR293 cells with ponasterone for 20 h induces a dose-dependent production of Cx37 or Cx40 while relatively stable levels of Cx43 are maintained. Homogenates of EcR293 cells transfected with Cx37 or Cx40 and treated with different doses of ponasterone were analyzed by immunoblotting for Cx37 and Cx43 (a) or Cx40 and Cx43 (b). Graphs show the densitometric values derived from these blots after induction of Cx37 (b) or Cx40 (d). These data were fit with lines according to the equations: y = 4.67x + 1.8 and y = 3.7x + 2.3 with R2 = 0.9443 and R2 = 0.9294 for b and d, respectively