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. 2012 Nov 5;2012:953524. doi: 10.1155/2012/953524

Table 1.

The table presents the mean number of cercariae and male and female trematodes that were recovered from mice exposed to 100 cercariae of the S. mansoni BH strain and inoculated 8 weeks later with eggs from the S. mansoni BH (Group III) or SJ (Group IV) strains. The mice were euthanized 1, 8, 15, and 34 days after being inoculated with eggs in the caudal vein.

Group Infecting cercariae Female Male Total trematodes Duncan's test
III 94.90 A
IV 95.00 A

III 17.75 A
IV 9.10 B

III 18.87 A
IV 8.50 B

III 36.62 A
IV 17.60 B

There is no significant difference between means with the same letter (α = 0.05).