Figure 2.
Comparison of PAXgene and Tempus tubes. Blood (adult or cord blood) was collected either in the PAXgene tubes or in the Tempus tubes, and stored at room temperature for the indicated number of days, followed by total RNA isolation. Five tubes were used at each time point (n=5). A) The RNA yield from the cord blood and the adult blood samples collected either in the PAXgene tubes or in the Tempus tubes. Each bar represents the average RNA yield per tube ± SE. B) Relative transcript levels of four genes from adult blood samples collected in the PAXgene tubes and stored for up to seven days at room temperature; C) Relative transcript levels of four genes from adult blood samples collected in the Tempus tubes and stored for up to seven days at room temperature. The 0 day samples were used as reference samples (calibrators); hence all other samples were compared against the reference samples. Each bar represents the average log2-transformed fold change values and the error bar indicates ± SE. The dashed lines indicate ± 2 – fold change. The fold change detected for the genes were within ± 2 – fold. D) The normalized expression values of four genes from cord blood samples collected in the PAXgene tubes (n=8) and in the Tempus tubes (n=7). Each bar represents the normalized expression values [2-ΔCq (sample); where the ΔCq (sample) ± Cq (gene) – Cq (internal control)] and the error bar indicates ± SE.