Mean CC distance before surgery (mm), injured side
19.1 ± 4.18
Mean CC distance after surgery (mm), day 2 after surgery
9.0 ± 3.84
Mean CC distance at last follow-up (mm), injured side
12.2 ± 3.12
Mean CC distance (mm), unaffected side
9.7 ± 1,84
P-value between injured side at follow-up and unaffected side
< 0.001
N of patients (%) with CC distance in comparison to the contra-lateral side
< 5 mm
28 (85%)
5-10 mm
4 (12%)
> 10 mm
1 (3%)
Vertical AC distance (mm) before surgery
11.9 ± 4.11
Vertical AC distance (mm), day 2 after surgery
Vertical AC distance (mm) last follow-up
3.5 ± 4.1
Displacement measured on axial x-ray
Acromio-clavciular displacement before surgery (mm), injured side
13.2 ± 10.2
Acromio-clavicular displacement (mm), last follow-up
0.91 ± 6.5
P-value between injured side at follow- up and unaffected side |
p < 0.001 |