Table 1.
Respiratory delivery of vaccine candidates against mycobacteria infection+.
Antigen | Delivery route and/or adjuvant | Tested species | Results or immune responses | Reference |
Live rBCG | Delivered by intranasal (i.n.) route | Mice | Induce strong antibody responses | [100] |
Live BCG | Delivered aerosol inhalation | Possum | Protection from M. bovis infection | [101, 102] |
Live BCG | Delivered by i.n. route | Mice | Protection from H37Rv challenge | [103] |
Live BCG | Delivered by i.n. route | Mice | Increase protective effect of BCG vaccine | [11] |
Mtb cell wall MDP | Delivered by aerosol inhalation | Guinea pig | Activate alveolar macrophages | [104] |
Killed BCG | Delivered in Eurocine L3 adjuvant via i.n. route | Mice | Induce high immune responses | [105] |
ESAT-6 protein | Delivered by PLA microsphere via i.n. route | Mice | Induce specific immune responses | [106] |
FbpA, HtpX | Intranasally delivered by an E. coli vector | Mice | Induce specific T-cell response and protection from Mtb challenge | [107] |
Ag85A | Delivered with adenoviral and VSV vectors via i.n. route | Mice | Induce mucosal T-cell response | [108] |
HSP65 (DNA) | Delivered by liposome via i.n. route | Mice | Induce strong cellular immune response | [109] |
Ag85A, CFB10 | Adenoviral vector via i.n. route | Mice | Induce specific immune response and protection from Mtb challenge | [33, 110, 111] |
Ag85A | Delivered with Adenoviral and VSV vectors via i.n. route | Mice | Induce mucosal T-cell response | [108] |
HSP65 (DNA) | Delivered by liposome via i.n. route | Mice | Induce strong cellular immune response | [109] |
Ag85A, CFB10 | Adenoviral vector via i.n. route | Mice | Induce specific immune response and protection from Mtb challenge | [33, 110, 111] |
Ag85B, ESAT-6 | Delivered by LTK63 vehicle via i.n. route | Mice | Increase anti-Mtb-specific CD4 T cells | [12] |
Soluble mycobacterial antigens | Directly delivered by i.n. route | Mice | Restore antigen specific immune responses | [57] |
ulticomponent subunits recombinant proteins of Mtb | Delivered with DDA-MPL vehicle via i.n. route | Mice | Induce strong antigen-specific T-cell responses | [112] |
MPT51 | Delivered by Lentiviral vector via intratracheal route | Mice | Induce MTP51-specific CD8 T cells and decrease the number of Mtb in lung following challenge | [113] |
+ MDP: muramyl dipeptide; PLA: poly(lactide); VSV: vesicular stomatitis virus.