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. 2007 Nov 20;58(3):296–307. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2007.09.004

Table 2.

Characteristics of the study populations

Mean (S.D.) [N] or n (%)
1946 cohort 1958 cohort
Total N with data on hysterectomy 1790 4552

Prevalence of hysterectomy up to and including age (years)a
 30 14 (0.8) 48 (1.1)
 35 47 (2.6) 147 (3.2)
 40 126 (7.0) 298 (6.5)
 44 209 (11.7) 437 (9.6)
 50 337 (18.8)
 55 393 (22.0)

Body mass index (kg/m2) at age (years)
 15 20.7 (3.0) [1336]
 16 21.0 (2.9) [3327]
 20 21.9 (2.9) [1427]
 23 22.0 (3.1) [3933]
 26 22.4 (3.3) [1534]
 33 24.4 (4.6) [4067]
 36 23.6 (4.0) [1560]
 43 25.0 (4.8) [1608]
 44/45 27.0 (5.6) [4544]
 53 27.5 (5.5) [1489]

Waist circumference (cm) at age (years)
 43 77.9 (11.3) [1608]
 44/45 85.5 (12.9) [4515]
 53 85.9 (12.9) [1499]

Father's occupational class in childhoodb
 I or II 431 (25.5) 1085 (25.1)
 IIINM 276 (16.3) 424 (9.8)
 IIIM 546 (32.3) 1790 (41.4)
 IV or V 436 (25.8) 1026 (23.7)

Educational level attained
 University degree or higher 91 (5.4) 1141 (28.1)
 Advanced secondary qualificationsc 374 (22.3) 439 (10.8)
 Ordinary secondary qualificationsd 420 (25.0) 1510 (37.2)
 Below secondary qualifications 157 (9.4) 646 (15.9)
 None 637 (37.9) 325 (8.0)

Own occupational class in adulthoodb
 I or II 588 (35.8) 1613 (37.2)
 IIINM 611 (37.2) 1468 (33.9)
 IIIM 120 (7.3) 322 (7.4)
 IV or V 323 (19.7) 930 (21.5)

Age at menarche (years)
 ≤11 235 (16.4) 458 (15.7)
 12 397 (27.7) 712 (24.4)
 13 487 (34.0) 1018 (34.8)
 ≥14 315 (22.0) 735 (25.2)

Parity (at age 43 years in 1946 cohort and 42 years in 1958 cohort)
 0 197 (12.2) 713 (17.7)
 1 209 (12.9) 650 (16.2)
 2 714 (44.0) 1718 (42.7)
 3 353 (21.8) 722 (18.0)
 ≥4 149 (9.2) 220 (5.5)

Exercise (at age 36 years in 1946 cohort and 33 years in 1958 cohort)
None 661 (42.0) ≤2–3 times per month 1243 (30.2)
1–4 times per month 380 (24.1) once a week 939 (22.8)
>4 times per month 533 (33.9) Two to three times per week 846 (20.5)
4–7 times per week 1093 (26.5)

HRT use (at age 53 years in 1946 cohort and 44–45 years in 1958 cohort)
 Never 652 (43.1) 3955 (88.6)
 Ex-user 303 (20.0) 178 (4.0)
 Current user 557 (36.8) 331 (7.4)

N and % are cumulative.


Registrar general's social classification: I or II professional, managerial or technical; IIINM non-manual; IIIM manual skilled; IV or V partly skilled or unskilled.


Generally taken at age 18 years.


Generally taken at age 16 years.