Motifs in App1p and its interacting endocytic cortical actin patch proteins. A, the diagram shows a linear representation of App1p with the approximate positions of the region that has similarity to a haloacid dehalogenase (HAD)-like domain (76), the DXDX(T/V) catalytic motif, and the PXXP motif for SH3 binding. B, the diagram shows that App1p interacts with the endocytic proteins Abp1p (69–73), Bbc1p (70, 73), Bzz1p (70, 73, 74), Cof1p (69), Crn1p (67), Las17p (75), Rvs161p (67, 68, 70, 73, 74), Rvs167p (67, 68, 70, 73, 74), Sla1p (67, 73), Sla2p (67), and Ysc84p (70, 73). The proteins that possess SH3 binding domains are indicated by the parentheses after the name.