Effects of electrostatic interactions on current densities of CFTR mutants at the R-CL3 interface. A–C, whole cell currents from transfected HEK-293T cells expressing CFTR mutants D835R/D836R/E838R (A), H950R (B), and K946D/H950D/D835R/D836R/E838R (C) recorded by using a ramp protocol (±40 mV). Cm = 14.25, 16.84, and 24.64 picofarads, respectively. The mutants were activated by 50 μm forskolin and 50 μm curcumin and inhibited by 200 μm glibenclamide or 10 μm CFTRinh172. D, mean whole cell currents normalized to the cell capacitance (n = 3–9). The current mediated by K946D/H950D/D835R/D836R/E838R was statistically smaller than the K946D/H950D and D835R/D836R/E838R and H950R currents (n = 3–5; *, p < 0.05, unpaired t test). The currents mediated by S768D/K946D/H950D/D836R and S768D/K946D/H950D/E838R were statistically smaller than the S768D/K946D/H950D current (n = 3,*, p < 0.05, unpaired t test); error bars, S.E.