Table 3.
Comparison of water column-to-sediment ARG ratios and ARG flux in the dry-season and wet-season for sampling near and away from major waste outfalls into the river.
Dry-season |
Wet-season |
Near outfallsa | Away from outfalls | Near outfalls | Away from outfalls | |
Water column-to-sediment ARG ratiob | 0.017 (0.011) | 0.0008 (0.0004) | 0.025 (0.015) | 0.011 (0.006) |
Gene migration downstream (log gene abundance/s)c | 8.37 (0.39) | 7.08 (0.33) | 9.49 (0.34) | 8.73 (0.37) |
aSampling stations near outfalls include 3A, 4, 5A, and 8, whereas stations away from outfalls include 5, 6, 7, and 9.
bRatio of water column ARG abundances to sediment ARG abundances at the same sampling station (based on triplicates per station). Ratios were calculated for nine different ARG.
cGene migration rates calculated based on flow rate measurements for the most downstream stations with and without a proximally close outfall, stations 3A and 5, respectively. Mean values based on flux estimates for the same nine ARG detected at both stations; 95% confidence intervals of estimates in brackets.