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. 2012 Nov 26;62(605):e851–e858. doi: 10.3399/bjgp12X659330

Table 1.

Doctors who specified each factor as influencing their choice of long-term career a great deal: graduates of 1993, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2008, and 2009

Year 1, % Year 3, % Year 5, %

Influencing factor GP n = 5675 Hospital n = 13 800 GP n = 2361 Hospital n = 5294 GP n = 4419 Hospital n = 8132
Domestic circumstances 49.2a 16.0e 48.7b 15.8e 68.5a 27.7e
Hours/working conditions 75.4a 30.4e 81.6a 35.7e 87.7a 41.5e
Eventual financial prospects 15.0a 11.8e 22.8a 11.1e 17.7a 9.4e
Promotion/career prospects 16.2a 24.3e 22.8a 24.8h 20.7a 25.1e
Self-appraisal of own skills/aptitudes 47.8b 50.4f 50.0d 51.1h 52.6b 59.3e
Advice from others 15.5d 16.6h 16.6d 17.2h 11.5d 15.0e
Student experience of subject 38.3d 48.7e 20.8d 27.7e 19.8d 25.3e
Particular teacher/department 13.2d 32.1e 11.3d 32.3h 5.9d 29.1e
Inclinations before medical school 15.1d 14.3h 14.8d 12.6g 13.0b 10.1e
Experience of jobs so far 46.8b 53.5e 54.2b 69.7e 53.2b 71.9e
Enthusiasm/commitment 63.2a 73.3e 56.5d 67.2e 63.2a 80.3e

Year 1 includes the cohorts of 1993, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2008, and 2009; year 3 includes the cohorts of 1993, 1996, and 2002; year 5 includes the cohorts of 1993, 1996, 1999, 2000, and 2002. Significant differences between males and females within the group that chose general practice are denoted as follows: aP<0.001. bP<0.01. cP<0.05. dNot significant. Significant differences between hospital practice and general practice within each year are denoted as follows: eP<0.001. f0.001<P<0.01. g0.01<P<0.05. hP≥0.05.