Figure 2. Autophagic Flux and Phenotype in Human Cancer Cell Lines.
Epi-fluorescent imaging of human pancreatic and renal cell lines plated for 24h under various conditions. A–C, Panc2.03, top row; 20x images, Hoechst (blue), LC3 (green), and PBL (false-color magenta), yellow box is magnified in micrographs below. Second row, magnified fields, LC3 channel in grayscale for enhanced contrast; nuclei are outlined with dotted lines. Arrowheads indicate an illustrative cell which is cartooned below. Third row, cartoon of cell showing nuclear outline, diffuse LC3 (light green), and LC3 puncta (dark green). D, A renal cancer cell line (786-0) with resting LC3 staining. E–F, Panc2.03 cells stained for Hoechst (blue), LC3 (green) and LAMP1 (red). Perinuclear puncta from both LC3 and LAMP1 are visible in treated condition (arrow heads). Cells in control conditions (A,D,E), lymphocyte coculture (B,G) and IFNγ (C). G, Overview of classical macroautophagy process. Cytoplasmic LC3 is microtubule associated while membrane LC3 is lipidated. Scale bars 50 μm.