Figure 4. Cell-Cell Contact Enhances Autophagy.
Lymphocytes were cocultured with hepatocellular, pancreatic, renal and bladder cancer cell lines to examine the extent of cell-mediated autophagy. A, induction of autophagy is measured in targets; untreated (UT), supernatant from 2 and 6 hour coculture, and direct coculture with lymphocytes (PBL). Bars show average with SD, ** p<0.01 by Dunnet’s posttests after ANOVA. B, Cancer cell lines were analyzed with lymphocytes in coculture (filled circles) or separated by a 0.4 μm transwell (open circles) for 24h. IL-2 was added concurrently at 6000 IU/ml under all conditions. Line chart shows averages with SEM, E:T ratio is plotted on a log scale, ANCOVAs were significant for HCT116 p=0.022, T-24 p<0.001.