Figure 4. Detecting quantum properties of the FMO complex.
Magnitude of the first witness [Eq. (4) for t − t0 = τ] for the FMO complex assuming the final measurement is done on site m = 1 of the seven site FMO complex, for both (a) T = 77 K and (b) T = 300 K. A detection via our first witness is clearly visible for an initial evolution greater than t0 = 0.3 ps at 77 K. In comparison, for same parameters we employ for the witness, the LG inequality only reveals a violation for upto 0.035 ps44. (c) and (d) show the first witness with only limited access, i.e. with only state preparation and measurement on site 1. Quantum coherence is only detected when p1(t0)Ω11(t, t0) > 〈Q1(t)〉. In all figures the bath parameters used were γ−1 = 50 fs and λ = 35 cm−1, and the Hamiltonian is the same as that used in Ref. 8. For the Hierarchy calculation, we used the “Ishizaki-Tanimura” truncation scheme and truncation as taken at K = 0 and Nc = 8 (see Methods, or Ref. 8, for the meaning of these parameters).