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. 2012 Aug 2;12:598. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-598

Table 5.

Poisson regression models showing the changes in the gender gap in mobility difficulty by world region

World Region
% with
Model 1 †
Model 2 ‡
Model 3 §
Mobility Difficulty in
Mobility Difficulty
Mobility Difficulty
Mobility Difficulty
  Men and Women PRR* (95% CI) PRR* (95% CI) PRR* (95% CI)
Africa, n = 60,277
23%, 31%
1.30 (1.23–1.37)
1.26 (1.20 –1.34)
1.11 (1.06 –1.17)
Americas, n = 49,803
17%, 25%
1.37 (1.26 –1.49)
1.38 (1.26–1.50)
1.16 (1.06 –1.26)
Eastern Mediterranean n = 16,450
24%, 40%
1.66 (1.51 –1.81) ||
1.49 (1.36 –1.62)
1.17 (1.07 –1.27)
Europe n = 40,477
25%, 38%
1.34 (1.24 –1.44)
1.32 (1.23 –1.42)
1.11 (1.04 –1.19)
South-east Asia, n = 34,743
35%, 49%
1.39 (1.33 –1.45)
1.30 (1.24 –1.36)
1.16 (1.12 –1.21)
Western Pacific, n = 27,236 31%, 36% 1.12 (1.06 –1.18) || 1.09 (1.03 –1.15) 1.03 (0.98 –1.08)

* Prevalence rate ratio for women versus men.

Model 1: Adjusted by age.

Model 2: Adjusted by age, marital status, education, and setting.

§ Model 3: Adjusted by age, marital status, education, setting, back pain, arthritis, angina, depression, and cognitive difficulties.

|| In a single regression model for all regions combined (not shown here), interaction terms were statistically significant for the Eastern Mediterranean and the Western Pacific regions using Africa as the reference region (P < 0.01).