Table 2. Variables and point values used for the model.
Factors | Variables | Points |
Living environment | ×1* | Urban =0, rural area =1 |
Gender | ×2* | Male =1, female =0 |
Age | ×3* | Years |
Educational level | ×4 | No =0, primary school =1, Junior school =2, high school =3, college =4, graduate =5 |
Dyspnoea | ×5* | Only get breathless with strenuous exercise =1; Get short of breath when hurrying on the level or up a slight hill =2; Walk slower than people of the same age on the level because of breathlessness or have to stop for breath when walking at one’s own pace on the level =3; Stop for breath after walking 100 yards or after a few minutes on the level = 4; Too breathless to leave the house =5 |
Cooking fuels | ×6 | No =0, electricity =1, gas =2, coal =3, biomass fuel =4 |
Smoking index | ×7* | Number of packs/day*years |
Occupational exposure | ×8* | Years |
Family history | ×9 | No =0, one person =1, two persons or more =2 |
Childhood infection history | ×10 | No =0, one infection =1, two infections =2, three infections =3 |
Body mass index | ×11* | Weight(kg)/body height(meter)square kg/m2 |
Cough | ×12* | Cough for more than two years & over three months/year no =0 yes = years |
Sputum | ×13 | Cough with production for more than two years & over three months/year no =0 yes = years |
Wheezing | ×14* | No =0, yes =1 |
*These statistically significant variables were incorporated into the final function model by stepwise discriminant analysis.