Effect of Suc and nitrogen on the expression of
the Arabidopsis AK/HSD gene. Arabidopsis seedlings were incubated in
the absence (C) or in the presence of Suc (S), mannitol (M), Asn (A),
Gln (G), or NH4NO3 (N) as described in
Methods. a, AK/HSD mRNA level was assayed in
northern blots and hybridized with an AK/HSD cDNA probe (top). The
intensity of the 28S rRNA bands upon methylene blue staining
of the same blot prior to hybridization is given at the bottom. b, The
average quantitative hybridization signals from blots of three separate
experiments similar to the one shown in a were obtained by
phosphor-imager scanning using the MacBAS program. Bars on top of the
histograms represent the ses.