Figure 2. DNA2 and EXO1 are required for resection at ICL-induced damage. (A) shDNA2/EXO1 siRNA-treated cells exposed to cisplatin (15 μM, 24 h) show reduced phosphorylation of RPA2 S4/S8, S33 and Chk1 S345 compared with shSCR-treated cells . (B) shDNA2’/EXO1 siRNA-treated cells exposed to cisplatin (15 μM, 24 h) show reduced phosphorylation of RPA2 S4/S8, S33 and Chk1 S345 compared with shSCR-treated cells and ectopically expressed, RNAi-resistant DNA2 restored RPA and Chk1 phosphorylation in depleted U2OS cells (C). CDDP,cisplatin. Experiments were performed at least twice. See also Figure S2. See Experimental Procedures for details.