Figure 4. UNC119a protein levels are reduced by ~2-fold in the retina of Gαt1 knockout mice.
A. Retinal homogenates were obtained by solubilizing two retinas in 100 μl of 10% SDS. Total homogenates from control (Gαt1+/−) and transducin-α knockout (Gαt1−/−) mice were analyzed by western blotting with monoclonal anti-UNC119a and anti-RGS9 antibodies. RGS9 served as a loading control.
B. The UNC119a protein levels in each sample were quantified by measuring the integrated densities of the bands using ImageJ, and linear fit curves were obtained for both control and transducin-α knockout (Gαt1−/−) mice. From these curves, UNC119a protein levels were found to be reduced by 2.04-fold in retinas of Gαt1 knockout mice. Shown here is one representative experiment. From three similar experiments, the fold change in UNC119a protein levels in control vs transducin-α knockout (Gαt1−/−) mice was determined to be 2.223 ± 0.138 (Mean ± SE).