Figure 7. Recovery of colitis from the DSS treatment.
Ten week-old male VdrF/F (n= 7) and VdrΔIEpC (n= 6) mice were treated with 3% DSS for 4 days and replaced to water for another 3 days. A) Percent initial body weight, B) Diarrhea score and C) Rectal bleeding score were measured. D) Colon histology was assessed by H&E plus Alcian blue staining and immunohistochemistry. E) Cytokine and inflammatory related gene expressions were analyzed by qPCR. F) Toll-like receptor related mRNAs were measured. L, litermate. Data are shown as mean ± SD. #, N.S; *, p < 0.001 (Control VDRF/F vs DSS VDRF/F); §, p < 0.02 (Control VdrF/F vs DSS VdrΔIEpC); ¶, p <0.01 (DSS VdrΔIEpC vs DSS VdrΔIEpC).