Table 3.
Regions with the highest combined rank for node strength, betweenness centrality, and regional efficiency, based on fcMRI/DTI networks binarized and thresholded to keep the 20% strongest edges.
fcMRI w/global signal regression, Binary 20% | fcMRI w/out global signal regression, Binary 20% | DTI, Binary 20% |
Right planum polare | Left temporal occipital fusiform gyrus | Left thalamus |
Right precuneus | Right temporal occipital fusiform gyrus | Right pallidum |
Cerebellum vermis VI | Right anterior cingulate | Right thalamus |
Right anterior middle temporal gyrus | Left occipital fusiform gyrus | Left pallidum |
Right posterior parahippocampal gyrus | Right temporal pole | Left posterior parahippocampal gyrus |
Left posterior cingulate | Right precuneus | Right putamen |
Right anterior cingulate | Right superior lateral occipital cortex | Right posterior parahippocampal gyrus |
Left posterior middle temporal | Right temporooccipital inferior temporal gyrus | Left insula |
Right paracingulate | Right posterior superior temporal gyrus | Left caudate |
Right posterior superior temporal gyrus | Right planum polare | Right hippocampus |