Neural stem cell, glial, and neuronal markers in long-term propagated embryonic porcine ventral mesencephalic, neural tissue-spheres (NTS), stained after 40, 63, 141, and 237 days in vitro (DIV). Photomicrographs showing immunoexpression of nestin (a), vimentin (b), GFAP (c), CNPase (d), and β Tubulin III (e) in NTS. The neuronal marker MAP2 and the dopaminergic marker TH were not expressed in the long-term propagated NTS, but younger NTS cultures showed MAP2 expression (f) in NTS after 20 and 41 DIV and TH expression (g) after 6 and 21 DIV. Arrows mark neuronal cell soma magnified in inserts. DIV = days in vitro. Scale bars = 100 μm (overview) and 20 μm (insert).