Segmenting strains other than the one used for generating the priors (C57BL/6) is a more challenging task, as illustrated by the examples of a BXD29 and an APP/TTA mouse model of AD. Using a full sampling strategy, but only a subset of 7 labels, yields VOP for hippocampus, ranging from 94.11±0.73% in the C57BL/6 (for the 5 specimens) to 86.65% for the BXD29 and 84.97% for APP/TTA mouse. For the caudate putamen VOP ranges from 92.21±0.71% for C57BL6, to 87.68% for BXD29 and 79.28% for APP/TTA. However smaller white matter tracts and nuclei, and especially the ventricles remain challenging for automated segmentation (eg. VOP for corpus callosum 86.11±2.12% in C57BL/6, 55.25% in BXD29, and 63.83% in APP/TTA).