(A-C) Expression of Gr43a in chemosensory organs. Gr43aGAL4 drives strong UAS-mCD8GFP expression in neurons located in the fifth tarsal segment of the foreleg (A1, live GFP), the LSO and the VCSO (B1; live GFP), but only weak expression in the LPs (C1; immunostaining). Co-expression analysis in sweet neurons was performed in flies containing Gr43aGAL4 and Gr64fLexA, driving expression of UAS-mCD8RFP (detected with anti-CD8 antibody) and lexAop-rCD2GFP (detected with anti-GFP antibody), respectively. Co-expression analysis in bitter neurons was performed in flies containing Gr43aGAL4 driving expression of UAS-mCD8RFP (detected with anti-CD8 antibody) and Gr66a-gfp (detected with anti-GFP antibody). LP, labial palp; LSO, labral sensory organ; VCSO, ventral cibarial sense organ. Arrowheads indicate Gr43aGAL4 neurons.
(D)Gr43aGAL4 is expressed in 2-4 neurons/hemisphere in the posterior superior lateral protocerebrum.
(E)Gr43aGAL4 is expressed in approximately four neurons in the proventricular ganglion. Gr43aGAL4 neurons innervate the lumen of the foregut, but not the crop duct (E2, left inset; E1). Some neurons send projections to the mid gut (E2, right inset; E1, arrow; E3), others to the SOG (E1, arrowhead). Pv, proventriculus; Cr, crop; Mg, mid gut.