Fig. 1.
Fz2−/−;Fz7−/− embryos exhibit a severe defect in convergent extension and die at ~E10.5. (A-D) Fz2+/+;Fz7−/− mouse embryos are indistinguishable from wild type at all stages. Fz2−/−;Fz7−/− embryos arrest growth at ~E8.5; at E9.5 they fail to turn but are still alive as judged by the presence of a heartbeat. Unstained specimens are shown. (E) Quantification of convergent extension, as determined by the embryo length:width ratio, among Fz2−/−;Fz7−/− and littermate control (Fz2+/− ;Fz7−/− or Fz2+/+;Fz7−/−) embryos at ~E8.5. Error bars indicate s.e.m. (F-M) H&E-stained transverse sections (as indicated in M) of the thorax from control Fz2+/+;Fz7−/− embryos at E8.5 and E9.5 and Fz2−/−;Fz7−/− embryos at E8.5. At E8.5, the Fz2−/−;Fz7−/− embryo has an open neural tube and a symmetric heart, whereas the control has a closed neural tube and exhibits left-right heart asymmetry. Scale bars: 1 mm in A-D; 200 μm in F-L.