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. 2011 Jun 22;1:9–15. doi: 10.1007/8904_2011_9

Table 1.

Outline of the six ERT scenarios presented in the questionnaire

Scenario summary Manifestations Effect of ERT
Physical Intellectual Physical Life expectancy Intellectual
1a 11-year old with severe physical MPSVI and normal intellect, ERT will prolong life Severe Nil Significant improvement Increased Nil improvement
2a MPSI-S with minor health issues as an adult but normal intellect, ERT will only improve health issues a little Mild Nil Minimal improvement Unchanged Nil improvement
3a Severe physical and intellectual manifestations of MPSII. Death in 5 years without ERT Severe Severe Minimal improvement Increased 3 years Nil improvement
4a The 1-year-old younger brother of the MPSII patient in 3a. ERT will prolong his life but not halt the CNS manifestations Moderate Severe Minimal improvement Increased 15 years Nil improvement
5a Mild MPSII with early joint and mobility difficulties, and mild school performance issues Mild Mild Moderate improvement Not significant Nil improvement
3b a Severe Severe Minimal improvement Increased 3 years Significant improvement
4b a Moderate Severe Minimal improvement Increased 15 years Significant improvement
5b a Mild Mild Moderate improvement Unchanged Significant improvement

a3b, 4b, and 5b are identical to 3a, 4a, and 5a; however, the respondents were asked to consider whether they would use ERT for the patients in 3a, 4a, and 5a if it improved the CNS manifestations