Table 1.
Values of the biological parameters used into our model equations
Variable | Description | Value | References |
C (M) | Maximum tumor cell density | 106 cell/cm2 | Rockne et al. (2010) |
Oxygen concentration switch to hypoxia | 7 mmHg | Vaupel (2004) |
Michaelis Menten oxygen threshold | 2.5 mmHg | Daçu et al. (2003) |
Oxygen level for anoxia | 0.7 mmHg | Brown and Wilson (2004) |
Vessel oxygen concentration | 60 mmHg |
Wilson (2008) Kimura et al. (1996) |
α n | Normoxic cell oxygen consumption | 10−17 Mol/(c s) | Griguer et al. (2008) |
α h | Hypoxic cell oxygen consumption | α n/5 Mol/(c s) | Griguer et al. (2008) |
D n | Diffusion coefficient for normoxic cells | 6.6⋅10−12 cm2/s |
Tjia and Moghe (2002) Wang et al. (2009) |
D h | Diffusion coefficient for hypoxic cells | 10 D n cm2/s |
Tjia and Moghe (2002) Wang et al. (2009) |
Oxygen diffusion coefficient | 10−5 cm2/s | Mueller-Klieser and Sutherland (1984) |
τ nh | Phenotype switch time (normoxic to hypoxic) | 1 h | Jewell and Gassmann (2001) |
τ hn | Phenotype switch time (hypoxic to normoxic) | 96 h | Estimated |
τ hd | Cell death mean time in anoxia | 48 h | Estimated |
τ n | Normoxic cell doubling time | 24 h | Ke et al. (2000) |
τ h | Hypoxic cell doubling time | 48 h |
Giese et al. (2003) Berens and Giese (1999) |
ΔO 2 | Sensitivity around transition threshold | 0.1 Mol/mm3 | Estimated |
J | Oxygen exchange coefficient | 0.1 cm | Mazumdar (1992) |