Fig 1.
Immunohistochemical detection of Yap and active Mst1/2 in the mammalian pancreas. (A and B) Yap is broadly expressed throughout the Pdx1-positive E12.5 mouse pancreas (sequential sections). (C) Yap expression in the E16.5 pancreas. (D) Yap expression within the pancreas of the adult mouse (at 6 weeks) is largely confined to the ductal network, including terminal duct centroacinar cells, and is undetectable within islets. (E and F) Yap expression in the human pancreas (at 35 years) mirrors that of the mouse, with reactivity observable throughout the ductal network and absent from islets. (G and H) Active Hippo signaling, as determined by phosphorylation-specific Mst1/2 antibody, is present throughout the adult human pancreas. Highest levels of active Hippo signaling are found within islets (sequential sections). Arrows denote prospective or mature cell types, as follows: green, endocrine; orange, acinar; yellow, ducts; violet, centroacinar. Scale bar, 50 μm.