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. 2012 Dec;194(24):6771–6781. doi: 10.1128/JB.01494-12

Table 4.

Crystallographic and refinement data for structures presented in this work

Parameter Value or descriptiona
Co2+ Zn2+
Crystallographic data
    PDB accession no. 3PJL 3PJN
    Space group P212121 P212121
    Unit cell dimensions (Å)
        a 34.4 34.6
        b 66.0 65.4
        c 152.4 152.4
        α, β, γ 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90
    Resolution (Å) 49.9–1.7 (1.76–1.70) 32.9–1.7 (1.76–1.70)
    Completeness (%) 99.8 (99.6) 99.4 (99.4)
    Multiplicity 4.9 (4.8) 5.6 (4.9)
    No. of unique reflections 39,218 (3,822) 38,964 (3,828)
    Rsymb 0.039 (0.587) 0.053 (0.537)
    II 35.6 (2.2) 24.6 (2.9)
    Wilson B value (Å2) 23.1 21.3
Refinement data
    Resolution (Å) 49.9–1.7 32.9–1.7
    No. of nonsolvent atoms 2,541 2,537
    No. of solvent atoms 218 200
    Cutoff FoFo 0 0
    Avg no. of B factors (Å2)
        Nonsolvent 28.8 27.2
        Solvent 36.4 35.2
        Metal ions 43.3 52.0
    R values
        Rwork 0.171 0.169
        Rfree 0.201 0.195
    Ramachandran statisticsc
        No. of outliers 0 0
        Most favored region (%) 97.2 97.7
        Bonds (Å) 0.012 0.011
        Angles (°) 1.4 1.4

Values in parentheses are for the highest-resolution shell.


Rsym = ΣhΣi|Ih,i − 〈Ih〉|/ΣhΣiIh,i, where the outer sum (h) is over the unique reflections and the inner sum (i) is over the set of independent observations of each unique reflection.


From MolProbity (12).