Restoration of BG11 growth with cysteine and methionine supplementation. (A) Growth of M145, BG11, BG22, and BG13 was compared on MM agar plates. MM without amino acids was used as a control (none). Images show results for MM supplemented with methionine, leucine, and cysteine-methionine-leucine. Images were acquired on the day 2 and day 5 after spore inoculation. (B) Growth comparison by amino acid in minimal liquid medium. The left panel shows the growth of M145, and the right panel shows the growth of BG11. Open triangles represent the growth in BMM (none). Results of growth in BMM supplemented with leucine (37 μg/ml), cysteine and methionine (18 μg/ml each), and cysteine-methionine-leucine (at 18, 18, and 37 μg/ml, respectively) are presented as indicated.