Table 2. Summary table for parameters.
symbol | name | stem | grid | uncertainty | unit | eq. |
T b | base temperature | 0 | 4 | °C | ||
tu | phyllochrons | 70 ; 50 | NA | °C .d | ||
tf | crop thermal time to flowering | 1500 | 2000 | °C .d | ||
Zmax | potential height of unit | 1 | 1 | m | 1 | |
kz | increase of elongation rate | 0.01 | 0.015 | °C−1.d −1 | 1 | |
tz | unit / crop thermal time for | 300 | 1000 | °C.d | 1 | |
Emax | potential area of unit | 1 | 1 | m2 | 2 | |
ke | increase of expansion rate | 0.01 | 0.015 | °C−1.d −1 | 2 | |
te | unit / crop thermal time for | 300 | 1000 | °C.d | 2 | |
ks | increase of senescence rate | 0.03 | 0.06 | °C−1.d −1 | 3 | |
ts | unit / crop thermal time for | 1000 | 2500 | [70; 130] % | °C.d | 3 |
ip | duration of infectious period | 10 | 10 | [1]; [15] | d | 4 |
lp | duration of latency period | 3 | 5 | [1]; [15] | d | 4 |
quantity of inoculation | 0.01 | 0.01 | [0.01; 0.3] | m2 | ||
Di | day of disease initiation | 50 | 50 | [30; 140] | d | |
τn | scalar for between-unit infection rate | 0.4 | 0.5 | [0.05; 1] | - | 4 |
τu | scalar for within-unit infection rate | 0.6 | 0.5 | [0.05; 1] | - | 4 |
tr | shape of receptivity function | 500 | 500 | [100; 800] | °C.d | 5 |
kr | slope of receptivity function | 0.05 | 0.01 | °C−1.d −1 | 5 | |
scalar for porosity level | 0.8 | 0.9 | [0.7; 1] | m −1 | 6 | |
Tio | optimal temperature for infection | 25 | 25 | [10]; [35] | °C | 8 |
Tiw | shape parameter of infection response to temperature | 2.2e−3 | 2.2e−3 | - | 8 |
Horizontal lines separate the parameters related to canopy, pathogen and environment. Columns “stem” and “grid” indicate the value of parameters for the specific use-cases. Column “uncertainty” indicates the range of selected parameters in sensitivity analysis (in % when the meaning of the parameter is different in both models).