Fig. 1.
Experimental protocol. On day 0, the rats were ovariectomized, injected with Blank-SAP or NK3-SAP in the arcuate nucleus, implanted with telemetry devices and returned to their home cages. After a 12- to 15-d recovery period (shown as day 14 in this example), TCORE, TSKIN, and activity were recorded every 10 min over 5 d to evaluate changes over the light/dark cycle (circadian). The next three mornings, TCORE and TSKIN were recorded in rats exposed to TAMBIENT of 26 °C, 11 °C, and 33 °C (in that order) in an environmental chamber. One to 3 d later (shown as day 22 in this example), rats received s.c. E2 capsules. The circadian rhythm recordings were repeated, followed by the TAMBIENT exposures. The rats were killed 11 d after E2 treatment. E2,17β-estradiol; OVX, ovariectomized; SAP, saporin; TAMBIENT, ambient temperature.