Fig. 2.
Effects of KNDy neuron ablation on average TSKIN in OVX (A) and OVX + E2 rats (B). (A) Circadian rhythms of TSKIN were not different between NK3-SAP and Blank-SAP rats. However, OVX NK3-SAP rats exhibited consistently lower TSKIN than OVX Blank-SAP rats. (B) After E2 treatment, TSKIN was still consistently lower in NK3-SAP rats than Blank-SAP rats. E2 reduced TSKIN during the dark phase in both Blank-SAP and NK3-SAP rats (compare with A). These waveforms represent the average TSKIN for each group (6–11 rats per group) and were generated using a moving average of five data points. Dark bars represent the dark phase of the 24-h cycle, and numbers refer to circadian recording days 3, 4, and 5. Statistical analyses of these data are shown in Fig. 3B.