Differential sensitivity of Tac2 and Kiss1 to negative feedback inhibition by physiological levels of E2. A, Uterine weights in response to increasing levels of E2 in juvenile (P13) and adult (P60) hpg mice and in OVX adult (P60) WT mice. Sesame oil (VEH), low-dose E2 (LOW; 8.3 μg/kg) or high-dose E2 (HIGH; 167 μg/kg) were administered in SILASTIC brand capsules (Dow Corning Corp., Midland, MI) at the ages indicated. B, Serum E2 levels achieved with the varying E2 dosages. C–E, Differences in Tac2 (open circles) and Kiss1 (black triangles) mRNA levels in the ARC in response to vehicle (VEH), low-dose E2 (LOW), and high-dose E2 (HIGH) in juvenile (P13) hpg (C), adult (P60) hpg(D), and adult (P60) WT females (E). Values are normalized to adult WT VEH levels (n = 10–13). Among dose responses to E2 for Kiss1 or Tac2, different letters denote significant differences (P < 0.05).