Figure 2.
Dynamic behavior of syn-GFP puncta among neighboring boutons in developing GABAergic axons. PV basket neurons were transfected with LSL-syn-GFP and LSL-DsRed in slice cultures from PV-ires-Cre mice and their axon terminals were imaged for 1 h at 1 min interval. (A) A “recur” puncta which disappear (red arrow) and appear (green arrow) within several minutes. (B) A “Disappear” puncta. (C) A “New” puncta. (D–E) For the recur puncta events in Figure 2D, the distribution of “ON” and “OFF” duration was plotted and fitted with y = a × exp(−x/b) function (blue dots, raw data; red line, fitted line). (F) For each “recur” puncta, the appearance (ON) and the following disappearance (OFF) duration was plotted for each episode. The linear regression was applied for the data and the R2 was shown (45 data points from five cells). There was no correlation between the length of ON and OFF duration (P = 0.68, ANOVA regression analysis). (G) Two neighboring syn-GFP puncta showing reciprocal changes in intensity in tens of minutes. (H) Changes in syn-GFP signal at two neighboring sites in (G) were plotted with time (blue and red curves). The correlation of changes between the two sites was also plotted (black curve; see Materials and Methods).