Figure 7.
S536A-p65 abolishes IKKβ-induced neurite growth inhibition, and S536D-p65 inhibits neurite growth from nodose neurons. A–C, Total neurite length (A), number of branch points (B), and Sholl profiles (C) of the neurite arbors of P0 nodose neurons transfected 3 h after plating with the YFP plasmid and either the pcDNA3.1 control plasmid, IKKβ plasmid, or the IKKβ plasmid plus the S536A-p65 plasmid and cultured for an additional 24 h. D–F, Total neurite length (D), number of branch points (E), and Sholl profiles (F) of the neurite arbors of P0 nodose neurons transfected 3 h after plating with the YFP plasmid and either the pcDNA3.1 control plasmid, the p50 plasmid plus the p65 plasmid, or the p50 plasmid plus the S536D-p65 plasmid and cultured for an additional 24 h. The combined results of three separate experiments of each kind are plotted (means and SEs of the data from >150 neurons for each condition). Statistically significant differences from control-transfected neurons are indicated (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.001).