Effects of transfer to elevated CO2 on
the diurnal accumulation of nonstructural leaf carbohydrates: A, Glc;
B, Fru; C, Suc; and D, starch. Ambient-CO2-grown plants
were transferred to elevated CO2 at the beginning of d 1,
and plants were collected through the 24-h period on d 6 of exposure.
Values represent means ± sd from three extractions.
Starch is expressed as micromoles of Glc equivalents. Total maximum
sugar amounts were 55.7 and 108.1 μmol hexose equivalents
g−1 fresh weight in ambient-CO2-grown and
high-CO2-transferred plants, respectively. Filled symbols,
Ambient-CO2-grown plants; open symbols,
high-CO2-treated plants. FW, Fresh weight.