Distinct regions of medial prefrontal cortex mediate effects of consensus judgments and individual preferences. A, Region of paracingulate cortex significantly correlated with consensus judgments for decisions (i.e., partners who were more frequently pursued). B, A distinct region of RMPFC was correlated with individual preferences for decisions (i.e., individual decisions controlling for consensus judgments). Right, Indicates average β weights from significant RMPFC cluster (calculated with leave-one-out-extraction) by size of individual preference effect. Neg, bottom third; Med, middle third; Pos, top third (within-participant). Error bars indicate SEM across participants. All images thresholded at p < 0.001 voxelwise with extent threshold set to control whole-brain FWE at p < 0.05. Color bars indicate t statistic. Coordinates in ICBM/MNI space.