Table 3. Total Se and S concentrations, and Se/S concentration ratios in seeds and seed-herbivores of S. pinnata and A. bisulcatus, as determined by ICP-AES.
Se (mg kg −1 DW) | S (mg kg −1 DW) | Se/S | |
S. pinnata seeds (n = 22) | 1,329±244 | 12,051±420 | 0.110 |
S. pinnata seed wasp larva (n = 6) | 9±2 | 1,574±73 | 0.006 |
S pinnata seed wasp adult (n = 4) | 47±6 | 5,048±2150 | 0.009 |
A. bisulcatus seeds (n = 6) | 5,750±754 | 11,837±1486 | 0.486 |
A. bisulcatus seed wasp adult (n = 3) | 6±1 | 2,815±347 | 0.002 |
A. bisulcatus seed beetle adult (n = 3) | 4±1 | 2,241±101 | 0.002 |
Data shown is the mean and standard error. Replicate samples were collected from one or more individuals.