Figure 1.
Representative 12 h dark period (20:00 hours to 08:00 hours) hypnograms for wild type mice (WT), H1R−/− mice, H1R−/−; OX1R−/− mice and OX1R−/−;OX2R−/− mice. The height of the horizontal line above baseline indicates the vigilance state of the mouse at the time. W, wakefulness; NR, non-rapid eye movement (REM) sleep; R, REM sleep. There were no significant differences in sleep/wake phenotypes between wild type mice, H1R−/− mice, and H1R−/−;OX1R−/− mice. In contrast, OX1R−/−;OX2R−/− mice showed severe fragmentation of sleep/wake states, along with frequent direct transitions from wakefulness to REM sleep (mark with arrowhead). Hypnograms were obtained by simultaneous EEG/EMG recording as described previously (Chemelli et al. 1999).