Figure 2.
(a) Total time (min, mean ± SEM) spent in each state in control mice (wild type) (n = 5), H1R−/− mice (n = 4), H1R−/−; OX1R−/− mice (n = 4) and OX1R−/−;OX2R−/− mice (n = 5). W, awake; NR, non-rapid eye movement (REM) sleep; R, REM sleep. The graphs summarize the data recorded during the 12 h dark period. (B) Episode duration (s ± SEM) spent in each state in control mice, H1R−/− mice, H1R−/−;OX1R−/− mice and OX1R−/−;OX2R−/− mice. W, awake; NR, non-REM sleep; R, REM sleep. OX1R−/−; OX2R−/− mice show significantly shorter wakefulness and NREM sleep episodes during dark period. Mice with other genotypes did not show any abnormality in sleep/wake states. *P < 0.001. The graphs summarize the data recorded during the 12 h dark period.