Figure 2. HA2 stalk domain and virus-like particles.
(A) HA1–HA2 subunits: the HA1 subunit contains the globular head domain (HA1 head), a major antigenic target of current vaccination. The HA2 subunit contains the FP, the LAH domain and TM-CT. The FP domain includes 11 highly conserved amino acids in the N-terminal cleavage region and the presumed fusion peptide region of amino acids 1–38. The LAH region contains the amino acids 76–130, a region recognized by monoclonal antibody 12D1 [28]. (B) A diagram of a headless HA protein design reported by Steel et al. [42]. A SP and HA1 subunit C-terminal adjoining region (HA1c) with the globular head domain deleted are connected to the HA1 subunit for expression on the cell surfaces [42]. (C) A schematic diagram of headless HA-containing VLPs. FP: Fusion peptide; HA: Hemagglutinin; LAH: Long α-helix; SP: Signal peptide; TM-CT: Transmembrane-cytoplasmic tail; VLP: Virus-like particle.