Effect of LKE pre-and post-treatment on the cortical infarct volume and functional outcomes in mice subjected to p-MCAO. (A, B C and D) The grip strength test results and NDS were significantly reduced in case of LKE pre-treatment (100mg/kg, orally) while as rotarod test results and grip strength were significantly reduced in case of LKE post-treatment (100mg/kg, i.p.). (D) Representative coronal brain sections showing cortical infarct volume (white part) in different treatment groups. The corrected cortical infarct volumes were significantly reduced in both pre- and post-treatment groups (graph with infarct volume analysis). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM; *p<0.05, vs vehicle-treated control; number of mice, n = 13 (control); n = 15 (pre-treatment); n = 15 (post-treatment)