Figure 2. Confirmation that porcine sialoadhesin is expressed in vitro in primary cultures of Kupffer cells and alveolar macrophages and in vivo in liver and lung tissues.
A. Porcine Kupffer cells and alveolar macrophages were evaluated by flow cytometry for expression of sialoadhesin. Macrophages were stained with an appropriate isotype control (filled, gray) and stained with the pSn mAb (outlined, black). 5 × 105 cells were used per sample. Data is plotted FSC (y axis) verses APC (x axis). This experiment was repeated three times. B. 1 cm2 blocks of porcine liver and lung tissues were evaluated for expression of porcine sialoadhesin. Porcine tissues were placed in Tissue-Tek O.C.T. and prepared for cryosectioning. Porcine sialoadhesin was detected with Alexa 488 (green) and the nucleus was stained with DAPI (blue). Isotype control samples were negative (not shown). Images were taken on a multiphoton laser scanning confocal microscope and representative z-stacks are shown. The upper panel images were taken at 40X and the lower panel images were taken at 40X zoomed in at a factor of 3.8. Samples were prepared in duplicate. Data is representative of two independent experiments. White measurement bars are included in each image for estimation of size.