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. 2012 Sep;14(3):319–351. doi: 10.31887/DCNS.2012.14.3/gdichter

Table IV. Studies investigating communication in autism spectrum disorders. ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder; TYP: Neurotypical; †ASD refers to the entire autism sample in a particular study, including high functioning autism, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified; *Total number of participants is presented first followed by the number of females in parentheses, if reported; **Not specified; ↓: decreased activation; ↑: increased activation. Abbreviations used in tables: ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; ACG, anterior cingulate gyms; AG, angular gyms; Al, anterior insula; AMY, amygdala; ATL, anterior temporal lobe; BA, Broca's area; BG, basal ganglia; CM, caudate nucleus; DAC, dorsal anterior cingulate; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; DMPFC, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; DN, dentate nucleus; FFA, fusiform face area; FG, fusiform gyms; IC, insular cortex; IFA, inferior frontal area; IFC, inferior frontal cortex; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; IPL, inferior parietal lobe; ITG, inferior temporal gyrus; LG: lingual gyrus; LSTG, left superior temporal gyrus; MCG, >middle cingulate gyrus; MFC, midfrontaI cortex; MFG, midfrontal gryus; MFL, medial frontal lobes; NAC, nucleus accumbens; OFC, orbitofrental cortex; OFG, orbitofrental gyrus; MPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; MTG, medial temporal gyrus; PO, pars opercularis; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; PFC, prefrontal cortex; PHG, parahippocampal gyrus; PL, parietal lobe; PMC, premotor cortex; PVC, primary visual cortex; RPVC, right primary visual cortex; SFG, superior frontal gyrus; SPL, superior parietal lobe; STG, superior temporal gyrus; STS, superior temporal sulcus; THAL, thalamus; TL, temporal lobe; TPJ, temporoparietal junction; VS, ventral striatium; VLPFC, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; VOC, ventral occipital cortex; VMPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex; WA, Wernicke's Area .

Citation ASD*† TYP*† ASD age TYP age Task(s) Core findings in ASD group (relative to controls) Conclusions
Anderson, Lange, Froehlich, et al, 2010 [243] 26 (26) 15 (15) 21.5 ± 6.4 22.5 ± 6.3 (1) Thought about a described word (2) Filled in missing word in a sentence ↓Left posterior insula, bilateral receptive language areas, Receptive language correlated with activation of posterior left WA; Verbal IQ correlated with activation of bilateral BA, PFC, lateral PMC Posterior insula implicated in receptive language impairments
Boddaert, Belin, Chabane, et al, 2003 [244] 5 (4) 8 (8) 19.1 ± 4.5 21.9 ± 3.3 Listened to speech-like sounds ↑ Right MFG Abnormal auditory cortical processing implicated in language impairments
Catarino, Luke, Waldman, et aI, 2011 [245] 12 (12) 12(12) 27.0 ± 10 34.0 ± 13 Detected semantic incongruities within written sentences More spatially restricted activation pattern (only left IFG, left ACC, right FG) impaired integration of multiple neural networks related to difficulties in use of context
Eigsti, Schuh, Mend, Schultz, Paul, 2011 [246] 16** 11** ** ** Processed linguistic stimuli that varied in emotional and semantic content Affective and grammatical prosodic cues prompted more generalized activation Language processing less automatic; Linkages between ToM and language processing deficits; Increased reliance on executive control regions for speech processing
Eyler, Pierce, Courchesne, 2012 [247] 40 (40) 40 (40) 32. 0 mo ± 10.2 25.6 mo ± 9.6 Listened to story with complex, simple, or backward speech during sleep ↓Left hemisphere to speech sounds (worsens with age). Abnormally right-lateralized temporal cortex to language (worsens with age) Lateralized abnormalities of temporal cortex processing of language in toddlers with autism
Grezes, Wicker, Berthoz, de Gelder, 2009 [248] 12 (10) 12 (12) 26.6 ± 10.4 21.0 ± 1.6 Viewed fearful or neutral body language ↓AMY, IFG, PMC to fearful gestures Dysfunction in this network may impact the communication deficits present in autism
Groen, Tesink, Petersson, et al, 2010 [249] 16 (12) 26 (21) 15.3 ± 1.6 15.7 ± 1.7 Sentences congruent or incongruent to speaker ↓Left IFG for sentences requiring integration of speaker information; No difference for semantic- and world-knowledge sentences ASD recruits left IFG atypically in language tasks that demand integration of social information
Hadjikhani et al, 2009 [203] 12 (9) 11 (11) 30 ± 11 35 ± 12 Recognition of emotional bodies ↓lFC, Al in response to emotionally neutral gestures Identifies neural mechanisms of impaired affect communication
Harris, Chabris, Clark, et al, 2006 [250] 14 (14) 22 (22) 36 ± 12 31 ± 9 Semantic and perceptual word processing During semantic processing, ↓BA, ↑WA; Diminished activation difference between concrete and abstract words Abnormal Braca's area development that may be linked with language deficits
Hesling, Dilharreguy, Peppe, et al, 2010 [251] 8 (8) 8 (8) 23.± 38 ± 2.10 23.05 ± 2.02 Listened to speech stimulus involving variable intonation, rhythm, focus and affect Abnormal neural network for prosodic speech perception in left supra marginal gyrus; Absence of deactivation patterns in default mode Prosodic impairments could not only result from activation pattern abnormalities, but also from an inability to inhibit default network
Just, Cherkassky, Keller, Minshew, 2004 [252] 17 (13) 17 (12) 28.0 ± 13.3 28.6 ± 10.7 Identified agent or object in each sentence ↑WA; ↓BA; Decreased functional connectivity between contributing cortical areas Decreased information synchronization across the language processing network
Kana, Keller, Cherkassky, Minshew, Just, 2006 [253] 12 (11) 13 (12) 22.5 ± 8.8 20.3 ± 4.0 Processed sentences with high or low imagery content Language and spatial centers not as synchronized, ↑Parietal and occipital regions during low-imagery sentences Under-integration of language and imagery; Reliance on visualization to support language comprehension
Kana, Wadsworth, 2012 [254] 16 (16) 16 (16) 20.0 ± 6.43 21.6 ± 2.70 Processed sentences with puns ↑Overall, particularly in right hemisphere and posterior areas during pun comprehension; ↓Left hemisphere Altered neural route in language comprehension in general, and figurative language in particular
Kleinhans, Muller, Cohen, Courchesne, 2008 [255] 14 (14) 14** 23.79 ± 3.58 22.41 ± 8.67 (1) Letter fluency task; (2) Category fluency task ↑Right frontal and right superior TL during letter fluency task; Decreased lateralization of activation patterns during letter fluency, but not to category Reduced hemispheric differentiation for certain verbal fluency tasks; abnormal functional organization may contribute to the language impairments
Knaus, Silver, Lindgren, Hadjikhani, Tager-FIusberg, 2008 [256] 12 (12) 12 (12) 15.46 ± 2.48 14.94 ± 2.71 Reading version of response-naming task ↑BA; Reduced BA left lateralization Decreased efficiency of semantic processing
Knaus, Silver, Kennedy, et aI, 2010 [257] 14 (14) 20 (20) 16.83 ± 2.35 14.43 ± 2.47 (1) Response-naming task; (2) Control letter-judgment task Atypical language laterality more prevalent in the ASD group Language laterality may be a novel way to subdivide samples, resulting in more homogenous groups
Lai, Schneider, Schwarzenberger, Hirsch, 2011 [258] 39 (35) 15 (10) 12.4 ± 4.7 12.13 ± 4.34 Listened to speech ↓Mean amplitude and spread of activity in STG Possible neurofunctional correlate of language impairment
Lai, Pantazatos, Schneider, Hirsch, 2012 [259] 36 (32) 21 (14) 9.61 ± 4.04 10.72 ± 4.42 Listened to speech and songs ↓Left IFG during speech; ↑Left IFG during songs; Increased left IFG-STG connectivity for songs; Increased frontal—posterior connectivity Functional systems that process speech and song more effectively engaged for song than for speech
Mizuno, Liu, Williams, et al, 2011 [260] 15 (14) 15 (15) 24.7 ± 7.8 24.7 ± 7.7 Linguistic perspective-taking task requiring deictic shifting ↑Right Al, precuneus; Decreased right Al—precuneus connectivity Higher activation compensates for decreased connectivity during deictic shifting
Redcay, Courchesne, 2008 [261] 12 (12) 23 (17) 34.9 mo ± 7.4 19.8 mo ± 4.2 Listened to forward and backward speech ↓Extended network recruited in typical early language acquisition, ↑Medial, right GC; ↑Right hemisphere to forward speech Children with ASDs may be on a deviant developmental trajectory characterized by greater recruitment of right hemisphere regions during speech perception
Redcay, Dodell-Feder, Mavros, et al, 2012 [262] 13 (10) 14 (11) 28.0 ± 7.05 27.0 ± 5.68 Interactive face-to-face joint attention game ↓Left posterior STS, DMPFC during joint attention; ↑Posterior STS during solo attention Failure of developmental neural specialization in STS and DMPFC during joint attention
Sahyoun, Belliveau, Soulieres, Schwartz, Mody, 2010 [263] 12 (10) 12 (9) 13.3 ± 2.45 13.3 ± 2.07 Pictorial reasoning with visuospatial processing, semantic processing, or both ↑Occipito-parietal, ventral temporal areas; Reduced inferior frontal - ventral temporal and middle temporal connectivity Greater visual mediation of language processing
Scott-Van Zeeland, McNealy, Wang, et al, 2010 [264] 18 (18) 18 (18) 12.62 ± 2.5 11.64 ± 1.58 Listened to two artificial languages and a random speech stream ↑Frorto-temporal-parietal, as number of cues to word boundaries increased; No learning-related increases for artificial languages in BG, left tem poroparietal cortex; Communicative impairment correlated with signal increases in these regions to artificial languages Abnormalities in neural regions subserving language-related learning; Communicative impairments linked to decreased sensitivity to the statistical and speech cues in language
Tesink, Buitelaar, Petersson, et al, 2009 [265] 24 (16) 24 (16) 26.3 ± 6.3 26.2 ± 6.0 Speaker inference task ↑Right IFG for speaker-incongruent sentences, Absence of VMPFC modulation to incongruent sentences Compensatory mechanisms during implicit low-level inferential processes in spoken language
Tesink, Buitelaar, Petersson, et al, 2011 [266] 24 (16) 24 (16) 26.3 ± 6.3 26.2 ± 6.0 Integrated contextual information during auditory language comprehension ↓Left, right IFG for sentences with world knowledge anomaly Reduced integrative capacity of stored knowledge; Difficulties with exception handling
Vaidya, Foss-Feig, Shook, et al, 2011 [267] 15 (11) 18 (14) 10.78 ± 1.29 10.96 ± 1.26 Responded to target word in presence of congruent or incongruent arrow or averted gaze Congruent regions associated with attention to gaze (left STS, PMC) activated to arrows; Incongruent regions associated with arrows (ACC, left DLPFC, right CN) activated to gaze Atypical functional anatomy to social and nonsocial communicative cues