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. 2012 Nov 26;2012:734541. doi: 10.1155/2012/734541

Table 5.

Published data for surgical learning curves for robotic thyroidectomy.

Author, year Study design No. (patients) Approach Pathology Operation Operation time Complications (Major)* Methods for analysis Surgical learning curve for robotic thyroidectomy
Kang et al. (2009) [5] Retrospective
(single surgeon)
338 GT** PTC§ (332)
Benign (6)
TT§§ & CCND# (104)
LTT& CCND (234)
Total: 144.0 ± 43.5
Console: 59.1±25.7
5/338 (1.5%) Moving average RT## (Console time): 40–45 cases

Lee et al. (2011) [9] Retrospective
(single surgeon)
163 GT PTC (151)
FTCγ (1)
Benign (11)
TT (48), LTT (115)
CCND (149)
Total: 110.1 ± 50.7
Console: 50.9 ± 11.4
2/163 (1.2%) Moving average RT: 35-40 cases,
ET∆∆:50–60 cases

Lee et al. (2011)
(multicenter study)
644 GT PTC (616)
FTC (13)
Benign (15)
TT & CCND (353)
LTT & CCND (291)
Total: 181.5 ± 78.2
(≤50γγ)→141.5 ± 33.0 (>50)
Console: 50.9 ± 11.4
2/644 (0.3%) Comparative analysis between beginners and experience surgeons RT (LTT): 40 cases
RT (TT): 50 cases

Kandil et al. (2012) [16] Prospective
(single surgeon)
100 GT No data TT (22)
LTT (69)
CT (9)
Total: 121.9 ± 63.8
(≤45√√)→104.2 ± 71.5 (>45)
Console: 51.3 ± 31.1 (≤45)
→45 ± 36.4 (>45)
1/100 (1.0%) Comparative analysis between early experience and late experience RT: 45 cases

Complications (Major)*: major complications mean permanent damages such as recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, permanent hypocalcemia, hematoma of muscle flap need to reoperation, hemorrhage of a major vessel need to reoperation, trachea injury, Honor's syndrome, major chyle leakage, and brachial plexus neuropraxia (not including minor complications such as transient hypocalcemia, transient hoarseness, wound seroma, wound infection, and hematoma of muscle flap only need to conservative management), GT**: gasless transaxillary approach, PTC§: papillary thyroid carcinoma, TT§§: total thyroidectomy, CCND#: central compartment node dissection, RT##: robotic thyroidectomy, LTT: less than total thyroidectomy, ET∆∆: endoscopic thyroidectomy, FTCγ: follicular thyroid carcinoma, ≤50γγ: experience for robotic thyroidectomy were less than 50 cases, CT: completion thyroidectomy, ≤45√√: experience for robotic thyroidectomy was less than 45 cases.