Figure 5.
Rab10 and Rab14 label distinct intracellular compartments. Adipocytes were transfected with EGFP-Rab10 and TagRFP-Rab14 (A and B), TfR-EGFP and TagRFP-Rab10 (C and D), and TfR-EGFP and TagRFP-Rab14 (E and F), and their colocalization was examined using dual-color TIRF microscopy 3 min after insulin stimulation. Vesicles in the first rows (raw image) of A, C, and E were extracted and displayed in the second rows (processed image) to help visualize colocalization between vesicles (see Materials and methods and Fig. S3). Bars, 4 µm. Pixel intensity scatter plots (B, D, and F) of the processed images are to the right of the respective images. The dotted lines indicate 10% of the maximum intensities of different channels, and the percentages of pixels within the upper right regions are indicated.