Deletion of Sse1 promotes Cin8-dependent spindle elongation in S
phase. (A) Logarithmically growing cultures of WT,
sse1Δ, cin8Δ, and
sse1Δcin8Δ and cells expressing a
plasmid-borne copy of GFP-Tub1 and/or containing Spc42-RFP were
synchronized in S phase with 100 mM HU, and spindle length was measured
by confocal microscopy. The data shown are from a single representative
experiment out of three repeats. (B) The dissection of
sse1Δcin8Δ and
sse1Δkar3Δ diploid strains
demonstrating the presence of alleviating genetic interaction between
sse1Δ and cin8Δ and
aggravating genetic interaction between sse1Δ
and kar3Δ is shown. (C) 10× serial
dilutions of log-phase WT and sse1Δ cells
harboring pGAL-KAR3-HA were spotted onto glucose or
galactose medium and incubated at 26°C for 2 d. (D) WT and
sse1Δ cells expressing Cin8-3myc from a
CEN plasmid were grown in yeast extract peptone
+ raffinose at 26°C and then arrested using
α-factor. Cells were then released from arrest into yeast extract
peptone + raffinose + galactose (Gal) medium containing
100 mM HU to induce the expression of Cin8-3myc expression and arrest
cells in S phase. After 120 min, cells were transferred to glucose (Glu)
medium containing 100 mM HU and 1 µg/ml cycloheximide to turn off
the GAL promoter and prevent further translation, and
the level of Cin8 was monitored by Western blot analysis using
antibodies directed against cMyc. Molecular mass markers are shown on
the right of the gels.