The effect of Sse1 on spindle assembly is mediated through
Ssa1/Ssa2. (A) Recombinant GST-Cin8 or GST alone was
incubated with yeast cytosol obtained from strains expressing endogenous
Ssa1-GFP or Ssa2-GFP (see Materials and methods). After extensive
washing, proteins bound to GST-Cin8 and GST-alone were eluted with SDS
sample buffer, separated by SDS-PAGE, and analyzed by Western blot using
antibodies directed against GFP, Sse1, Tub1, and GST. Molecular mass
markers are shown on both sides of the gels. The broken vertical line
indicates that intervening lanes of the gel have been spliced out. The
solid vertical line indicates that the samples on the left of the line
are from a different gel than those on the right. (B) 10× serial
dilutions of log-phase cells of the indicated genotypes were spotted
onto YPD and incubated at 30°C for 2 d. The right image shows WT
and sse1Δ cells harboring either empty vector or
pGAL-SSA1 plasmid spotted onto selective plates
containing galactose to induce expression from GAL
promoter. Tub1 is used as a control. (C) Western blot analysis using
anti-Sse1 antibodies of WT cells harboring empty vector or
pYSSE1 expressing Sse1 under the control of
inducible CUP1 promoter. Sse1 (indicated by the arrow)
was induced with 0.5 mM copper sulfate for 4 h. (D) Spindle length in
HU-arrested cells at 30°C measured using GFP-Tub1 fluorescence.
The data shown are from a single representative experiment out of three
repeats. (E) The localization of Cin8 and Ndc80 in WT cells containing
empty vector (pY) or overexpressing Sse1
(pYSSE1). Cells were grown to early log phase, and
Sse1 overexpression was induced for 4 h by the addition of copper
sulfate to a final concentration of 0.5 mM. Arrow points to the presence
of Cin8-GFP in the nucleoplasm. 55% of the cells overexpressing Sse1
(n = 60) showed significant mislocalization
of Cin8-GFP, as shown. Bar, 5 µm.