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. 2012 Sep 6;8:157. doi: 10.1186/1746-6148-8-157

Table 3.

Timeline: Products given and questionnaires, tests and evaluations done during study period

Time Questionnaires and visits Food, rescue analgesia and tested products Outcome variables, other tests and evaluations
Questionnaires At clinic
Internet / posted questionnaire
Descriptive data. Questionnaire on pain items, including HCPI. Lameness and QOL VAS. Use of NSAIDs / adjuvant analgesics.
W−8to W−2
Telephone interview
Questions about unclear answer in the inclusion questionnaire
Screening visit
New feed started.
Questionnaire on pain items, including HCPI. Lameness and QOL VAS. Use of NSAIDs / adjuvant analgesics.
Thorough veterinary evaluation + lameness, jumping and stairs on video. PVF, Impulse. Blood samples (inclusion). Radiographs.
Baseline visit
Oils started. Rescue NSAID given to owner.
Questionnaire on pain items, including HCPI. Lameness and QOL VAS. Use of NSAIDs / adjuvant analgesics.
Veterinary evaluation: Lameness, jumping and stairs on video. PVF, Impulse. Blood samples.
4 weeks after baseline
Questionnaire on pain items, including HCPI. Lameness and QOL VAS. Use of rescue analgesic. Adverse effect questions. Comparative questions: locomotion, every-day situations and skin and hair-coat.
8 weeks after baseline
Same as at W4.
12 weeks after baseline
Same as at W4.
W16 End visit (16 weeks after baseline) Feed and oils stopped. Questionnaire on pain items, incl. HCPI. Lameness and QOL VAS. Use of rescue analgesic. Adverse effect questions. Comparative questions: locomotion, every-day situations and skin and hair-coat. Final assessment of outcome. Guessing group. Veterinary evaluation: Lameness, jumping and stairs on video. PVF, Impulse. Blood samples.