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. 2012 Dec 4;345:e7961. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e7961

Table 2.

 Imputed overall outcome by different denominators at each completed week of gestation for EPICure 2 cohort born in England during 2006. Values are percentages of all births in category (95% confidence interval) unless stated otherwise

Outcomes 22 weeks 23 weeks 24 weeks 25 weeks 26 weeks All
No alive at onset of labour* 272 416 494 550 594 2326
No of live births 152 339 442 521 580 2034
No of live births with stabilisation attempted 41 283 425 516 577 1842
No admitted for neonatal care: 19 217 381 498 571 1686
 Deaths in neonatal care 16 151 203 152 123 645
 Deaths after discharge home 0 3 1 5 1 10
No surviving to 3 years of age: 3 63 177 341 447 1031
 No (%) with severe disability†‡ 1 (10) 17 (29) 37 (19) 57 (16) 45 (10) 152 (15)
 No (%) with moderate disability†‡ 1 (42) 14 (18) 33 (16) 48 (12) 54 (10) 128 (12)
 No (%) without disability†‡ 1 (48) 32 (53) 107 (65) 236 (72) 348 (79) 750 (73)
 From onset of labour 1 (0 to 3) 15 (12 to 19) 36 (31 to 40) 62 (58 to 66) 75 (71 to 79) 44 (42 to 46)
 Live births with stabilisation attempted 7 (1 to 20) 22 (18 to 29) 42 (37 to 46) 66 (62 to 70) 77 (74 to 81) 56 (54 to 58)
 Admissions for neonatal care 16 (3 to 40) 29 (26 to 36) 46 (41 to 51) 68 (64 to 73) 78 (75 to 82) 61 (54 to 58)
Survival without disability‡:
 From onset of labour 0.4 (0 to 2) 8 (5 to 11) 23 (19 to 27) 44 (39 to 49) 60 (55 to 65) 32 (30 to 35)
 Live births with stabilisation attempted 2 (0 to 13) 12 (8 to 16) 27 (22 to 32) 47 (42 to 53) 62 (57 to 67) 41 (38 to 44)
 Admissions for neonatal care 5 (0 to 26) 15 (10 to 21) 30 (25 to 35) 49 (43 to 55) 62 (57 to 67) 45 (41 to 47)

*Includes all caesarean sections where the baby was alive when delivery was initiated.

†Numbers imputed from whole dataset.

‡Disability classified as in Disability and Perinatal Care 1994.16